Hiiiyoooo folks! Mari here, reporting from beautiful Wanaka. Organized my little thoughts a bit and now I have a second to write on this thing....here we go.
I forgot a few things about the Heaphy Treck with mark. Loving food and all, i made sure I wouldnt run out. Mark did, and ended up stealing some of mine, balabauh. About 2 hours into the hike we both realized we didn't bring a fork to eat our food with. We each had our knives, but mine is REALLY sharp and his is REALLY dull. so the second night, at the McKay Hut, there were about 9 people in a group, all over 68ish...we thought they were a christian group or something because they signed the hut books saying "god is great. look at gods creation" etc etc. so that night, we both had freeze dried food (YUM! i love it) we didn't have plates so we were both eating out of pots. HUGE massive pots. then the christian group offered us some of there leftover pasta, and we demolished it--of course. so here we are, sitting outside, eating out of 3 HUGE POTS with marks knife. classy. very classy.
Got a new day pack, finally. After my good one got stolen I got this shitty 12 dollar bag. it was dying...zippers breaking, etc etc. so I just got a sweet Deuter Bag. So far, so good. it looks like a guys though.......better than pink with balloons though. ya?
Went on a walk/run yesterday around the lake. Wlel, not all the way around cause its massive, but for like 2 hours. It is so damn pretty right now--its autumn and the trees are just gorgeous. there is an island in themiddle of the lake that looks like a massive fireball with all the colors and such. So my walk was good, listenin' to music enjoying the view. I love love love it here. I just love the mountains. I can't wait to move somewhere with them. THe air has that crisp fresh fall feel to it and everyone is just cozy in their autumn clothes. I think autumn is def. my favorite season. I just feel GREAT here, love it and love being so active and just wondering around, meeting people, etcccccccc. I say "etc" to much. i know.
i need to buy a thicker jacket PRONTO. freakin cold and i'm goin deep south so it will be even worse, with artic wind blast.
So, i dont know if I am just really popular, coo, or what (probably all of the above) but I have so far known like 8 people here in Wanaka. Was outside this internet cafe with my friend sofie the other day and this guy from inside goes " OH HEY, MARY-ELLE!" And it was AUstin, from Berkley who I met wwoofing and who happens to be on my plane going home. So i have seen him every day--he hangs out at our hostel a lot and sleeps in his car. Then last night at the grocery I recognize this german chick that was in the first hut we stayed in on the heaphy. so we start talking and i invited her to a movie with my other two friends. she ended up coming, so that was sweet. So THEN, we are at the cinema (which I will talk about later) and I once again recognize these 3 german chicks I roomed with in Able Tasman. The girl I talked to was the one who was caking her face with make up to talk to her boyfriend online(LOSER) and she was like " OHMigosh, i didnt even recognize you! YUou look so different!" so if you cant' tell this is a complete insult. last night i actually straightened my hair and wasn't wearing my hiking shoes. so basically i have looked like complete shit, like a beasty monster 95% of the time over here. I have put make up on once. ONCE. so that is all i have met so far.....maybe more to come?
so the cineman is calle dCinema Pardiso. they have lots of food but the main attraction is that the theatre is comprised of old couches, lazy boys, cars, car parts, pilllows, plane seats, etc. not so normal. there were 4 of us on a couch and it was HOT and we wer elike on top of eachother. oh welll.
umm what else. oh, sofie and i rented kayaks yesterday for a bit. It was really nice out and we just went out a bit and enjoyed the scenary. noiiiiceeeee.
oh, so after my walk, where I was just full of happinesss and good thoughts, we decided to see the movie. the only one playing last night (there is one screening a night) was Revolutionary Road. oh my god. it was going from like night and day. if you were ever thinking suicidal thoughts, and just needed something to take you over the edge, Watch revolutionary road. dear god. how depressing. they were just yelling at eachother the whole time.
Iraeli Guys---so there are lots of israeli's here, which is slightly suprising to me. but they all just got out of the army and go and travel. they actually arent liked to much here because theuy are really rowdy and rude--or so ppl have told me. so anyways, yesterday, this guy locks eyes with me for a long ass time. I think nothing of it. he was blonde---didnot look israeli. then i am at the front desk and he his 2 friends are standing there. oen of them looks at me and says something...........IN HEBREW TO ME! I say HI back. this is the 5th time i have been here where israeli men assume i'm israeli and just start talking hebrew to me. its always awkward after because then they think i'm not israeli and I just want to say, heyehyee i'm jeiwsh, but i dont know hebrew HELLOOOOO!!! so now its awkward. hopefully they leave. i dont think they know english. maybe a little? who knows. strange.
yesterday this new guy moved into our room. steve from ireland. seemed nice---and i love the irish. so we talk. bahaba. i immediately realize that he is going to be a snorer. let me tell you why. so he takes his shoes off and all of the sudden this AWFUL repulsive disgusting smell shoots up into the air---EWWWWWWW!! I was forced to put tea tree oil under my nose to kill the smell. then he tells me that he has a cold, which was obvious because he kept sniffling, so i thought he was either a coke head or was SICK, so i'm like shit, now he isn't just a snorer, he is a snorer with a cold which is the WORST combo EVER! I was up all night. took some dramaine but that didnt work so much. then the other guy in the room started snoring too and made these flemmy sounds and talked in his sleep. so there was basically a symphony of horrendous sounds. it was awful. i almost moved out onto the couches. steve woke up thsi morning and was Like " heyyya! Howd you sleep??!" I wanted to throw thousands of knives at his face, but instead I smiled and laid back down. i might get pissed tonight though---need to find some heavy sleeping stuff today. i couldn ever be with a snorer. I would wake up every morning hating them.
met this guy michael from san diego. real nice fella. we are meeting up in queenstown. one of his Oz friends is coming down here and i think they are gonna come with me to Doubtful sound for the overnight cruise. hope so!!! we went to the wanaka market together which was really the queenstown market that i had already been to. i knew all of the vendors. the guy who made my greenstone necklace was there and recognized my necklace. small freakin i sland.
met this guy michael from san diego. real nice fella. we are meeting up in queenstown. one of his Oz friends is coming down here and i think they are gonna come with me to Doubtful sound for the overnight cruise. hope so!!! we went to the wanaka market together which was really the queenstown market that i had already been to. i knew all of the vendors. the guy who made my greenstone necklace was there and recognized my necklace. small freakin i sland.
my mom thinks i'm going to get kidnapped at any time. "dont walk by yourself, don't hike by yourself, dont kayak by yourself, dont eat by yourself, don't go ANYWHERE by yourself" she thinks there are just people out to get me...........mwahhaha.
OK, one more thing...
MUFFINS. Kiwi's are muffin professionals. they are the most delicious things ever. there was one i had the other day that was white chocolate, and fresh blueberries and blackberries. today i had a carrot one. and then i had a blueberry. i should stop, but these are different kinds of muffins. they must have cocaine in them or soemthing. AND they are HUGE and they all have fresh fruit. i NEED to learn how to make them! there must be a secret. there must. i will miss them so.
anyways, probably wont write anymore while i'm in wanaka. i'll wait till queenstown. i'm staying with my friend becky, from middle school and highschool. excited to see her and her place!!!!!!! well, i need to go. the sun is showing its face and i should get out there. xoxoxMWAh
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