Saturday, January 31, 2009

Alive and Well.....after a NIGHTMAREEEEEEEEEEe

ok ok ok! must keep this short, again,a s well.

first off, everything here is amazing. the scenary is to die for---you can't look out and Not see mountains, palm trees, and pines. LOVE IT. its just like jurassic park.

in auckland i met a girl named Evan from Canada---we hit it off great! Went to an island together and explored it, very fun.

Parted ways and now i'm on a bus tour for about 5 more days. its great fun---lots of cool people, keeps getting better everyday. The people are from all over---lots from UK, holland, swiss, Austria, etc.......very cool.

So, lets see, i got my shit stolen from me. Yep, that sucked. Was in Raglan, which is the surfing capital of NZ and was with 15 other people. we all put our bags under a trailor, together, and of course my bag was gone when we got back. I FLIPPED OUT. completely went ape shit. was just infuriated, and was pissed for the n ext 2 days on and off. they took my wallet, id, $, credit car
cards, camera, ugh. just sucked. luckily its getting sorted out bit by bit....

Yesterday I went caving, It was called Haggas Honking---it was SOO gnarly! Wet suits and boots. We reppelled down 30 foot waterfalls in the cave---oh man was it cool. and there were glow worms everywhere which turns on is just shit.

tomrorow I am going on a 7 hour hike up Mt. doom of Lord of the Rings in Taupo. It shoul dbe prettty challenging---might not be able to go bc of weather though. we shall see....

ok, i must go. just said i have 40 seconds left!!! AHHHH!HH!HH!H!H

my burnt skin is now peeling everywhere and people are grossed out. ew.



  1. Ohh it sounds like so much fun! I knew you would make friends! Also, make sure you put up pictures on here of f book!

  2. ewwww on the exclamation marks, sorry...

  3. Yeah, I was going to tell you to post photos (or be more descriptive for chirst's sake), until I found out you had your camera stolen. I felt bad for you for a second, and then it passed because I realize youre still on vacation for three months in one of the most beautiful places on earth.
