ok, getting delusional here in Renwick. ready to move on. BIG TIME.
forgot to write about our pizza party last night. Jennie made 3 homemade pizzas---SO DAMN GOOD. everything was out of her garden.. pizza A) pesto, corn, onion pizza B) feta, red onion, spinach, roasted red pepper, pizza C ) sausage, tomato, cilantro, ??
I think i just messed some of those pizza's up, but you get the dift. good. THEN, to top it off, she made a plum tart that was OUT OF THIS WORLD good. i could have eaten the whole thing. i will be dreaming of that sweet little tart when I get home, thats for sure...
so that austin guy had 2 crazy stories he told us....oh and i forgot to say i think he is 19 or 20...a child.
so he told us that while he was in kaikora he saw this guy on the side of the road about the go fishing so he asked him if he could go with---he said yes. (just an FYI, iw ould never go fishing witha stranger, what if they used YOU as bait!!!??) so anyways, he said he was swimming at one point and all of the sudden heard this "WOOOOOOOOOSH!!" of air and looked over and therewas an Orca Whale about 30 feet from him. CRAZY! he said the guy fishing with him was shitting his pants, and so was he. So thats one story down, the next is actually horrifying. the second day he was hitch hiking and this 18 wheeler picked him up. he said it was a huge Maori man. they were driving and the maori guy asked if austin had ever driven an 18 wheeler, he said no (OBV.) and then he asked if he wanted to drive it. So austin said yes, which i think is INSANE, because A) its an 18 wheeler and B) its New zealand---KIWI DRIVERS ARE CRAZY! and the roads are NUTS! so he said he started driving it, and then the maori guy was like "ok, i'll be back in a bit" and then went to bed for 2 HOURS!!! NUTS, I TELL YA! just NUTS!
anyhoot---today I graded plums which basically means i sort them into ripe, unripe, and gross. pretty boring. THEn, we had to groom their grapes to sell. which is just annoying.
this afternoon i tried to get a little organized with my future (1 week). I was going to leave on Saturday around 1 to Nelson.........BUT.....jennie insisted on giving me a ride to nelson at 5 freakin AM because the farmers market ( and yes mom, its the Outdoor Market, its mixed) so now I have to work the SAt. farmers market. I really want $ for it. maybe she will give me thousands of plums. humph. so I will stay there till the 11th, then get on a Stray bus to ABle tasman Nat'l Park---which I am VERY excited about! lots of hiking and kayaking. And eventually head down to Karamea where I am house sitting for a week. After that, ITS APRIL!! AHHH! time is flying. then I will just be doing a loop of the S. island and then who knows what. Might come back here for a COUPLE OF DAYS and work on a vineyard or pick Feijoas at Jennie and Bobs bc May is the time they are ripe.
so the spa i told you about near the farm...WAS GREAT! i went today to get a back massage. I was in such heaven. the girl was GREAT but i am VERY oily now. extremly actually, like I might fly out of my dirty bed. gosh i love massages. if I were really rich, I would get 1 a week. you wouldn't want one everyday bc then you would possibly forget how awesome they are. And I would also want my own chef. and a personal trainer. and a little red gnomb to rub my feet at night........
well, i think thats it for now. going with hannah to the Cork and the Keg to meet austin for a drink. tired still---have slept like complete shit while I have been here. there is a damn sheep farm next door and the dogs bark all night at them. and there are creeky noises and sometimes...if you listen real hard....you can hear the cochroaches heartbeat.....
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