Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Ok, i'm back.....

took a little nap, watched a little of "departed" i'm ready to go. Made some dinner with the girls---very good. had some wine, yada yada yada.

so all in all, things are good. we are planning on going to Te Anu tomorrow, which is near Fiorland National Park--then we are going to do a kayaking trip and do a trek or two while we are there. I should be in Queenstown by Thursday night or Friday....Probably friday. crossing my fingers the weather is good....its clearing up here. should be a bit hotter inland too. NICEEEEEEEEE!

i'm at an internet cafe right now and GUESS WHAT! My keyboard that i'm using....someone wrote the Jewish alphabet on all the keys...WHAT A CO-INK-E-DINK!!! ALthought i dont know them very well.

there are hardly any US travelers which is pretty sad. its good and bad. so far I have only met 4 americans and they have all said they have hardly met any as well. i think its just because we go to school and we get a job and we don't really live. work, work, work. and that sucks. so many people i have met work for 6 months and then travel.....such a good life. i know it can be a bit unrealistic, but they are actually living there lives and not sitting in some box. i hope i continue to live my life like that. for instance, i met an english couple in there late 60's early 70's who just decided to leave england for the winter nd come here for 2 months to travel. how cool is that!?! just love it. SO AMERICANS, SHAPE UP WILL YA!!!! jeeez la weez.

i continue to be the dirtiest one around. kind of sick but i dont care anymore.

ummmmmm...................driving is still scary. I definitely have a fear of transportation.

i slept like complete shit last night. ALTHOUGH, i must say, one of the things i am completely thrilled about that i bought is my new sleeping bag. it is just like a down comforter. SO comfy cozy. 3 other things i'm glad i brought are my new merrell shoes, GREAT, ear plugs, and my small towel thing. i think i might have actually packed perfectly. gosh i am so cool. bwahaha.

went to a community art gallery today which was really neat and then went to a public art museum which was JUST ok. not to impressive.

the people i stayed with in Christchurch was SO nice I can't get over it--Lauri and Lindsey. Took me around to cool places, made sure i had my phone all situated with minutes, treated me to food, wine, etc. tried to teach me a little bit about cricket---WHICH IS SO CONFUSING. they were the BEST host ever. i feel like i owe them a million bucks.

oh, our hostel is called Manor House---doesn't that sound like it is out of a halloween movie? it as our last resort, everything was booked.

ew some child is crying behind me.

So whats going onw ith chris brown and rihanna? I can't really believe it. wife beater.


well i must go. 22 minutes and 34....seconds left.

xoxoxo loves! mwah

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