ok, so I am going to go from the Present (today) to the past (a few days ago).
Today=miserable. Hannah went to the farmers market with jennie. Its raining and the new wwoof girl is here, chelsea, from england. SHe is 31, wears all black (not goth though, she probably just believes in elves and fairies), lives with her parents...you do the math. So its bob, chelsea and I. It started raining so we stopped picking around 9:30. So i started pooping around on the internet and bOb comes in and says that hes got a job for me in the kitchen--plum sauce. If any of you really know me, you know I can't do ANYTHING worthwhile in the kitchen. For example, i started a fire in our kitchen last year with a a role of paper towels and chucked them out the window. Very classy. So i go in, chelsea comes late, and I have no idea what he hell I am doing. It said it needed Vinegar, but I could only find Malt, and I didnt knw what that was (still dont, so dont make fun of me). SO i just started singing, very loudly outloud, " ohmiiiiiigosh thiiisss is sooo stuppppppid, i can'''''''t cook damnnn plummm SAUCEEEEEE !BOBBBBBB!!!!! AHHHHHHH!' when i said I needed help he looked at me like i was a freakin idiot. oh well. plum sauce is done so whatever. SO during this time, Bob was full gear talking about what he loves most, AMERICAN POLITICS. I have never heard anything like this. politics are like word vommit for him. he is from LA. all he does is just talk about war, consumerisim, politics, $, job loss, etc etc. its so damn depressing. I have learned to completely tune him out. i think jennie has too. so when we were making the plum sauce today, he comes and all the sudden starts ranting on About coca cola and advertisments for coca cola and his whole life he has spent traveling around the world trying to find a place that doesn't have coke. HE FOUND ONE PLACE--a small town in figi. just so you know, all you coca cola haters out there. The funny thing is neither chelsea or myself added anything to the conversations and it kept going for lke 20 minutes. Then at lunch today, the 3 of us, YEA REAL FUN FOLKS.....i asked him if he thought they would sell out of the plums at the market and he must have misheard me bc he then went on a rant about China and $ for about 15 minutes until I kinda started laughing and wa slike "yeaa...i asked about the plums" hes insane.
so thats that---i'm gonna get outta here by next weekend. trying to figure out my next move.
Yesterday Hannah and I hitchiked to Blenheim. Hitchhiking can be really humiliating. I tried in a town near queenstown with my friend evan and people would just drive by at like 90 miles an hour. how rude. so these two guys from czech republic picked us up. cool cool. shopped around, got a nalgene, and a KNIFE. yep, i feel like a 11 year old boy at camp who goes to town on Friday and buys a knife. its all the boys do at camp. so i feel realllllly cool.
The other day i went on a run/walk and guess what I found....A SPA!!! The only spa in the region is 30 yards from the farm. So guess who is getting a massage on Tuesday-- this girl. cant wait. my back is reallly really really messed up from falling off that damn horse. we went to pilates the other night adn I could hardly move. hurt so bad. pilates was wierd here. very laid back, no structure. I was struggling.
ummmmm thats about it for now. trying to avoid talking to people today. think i might read my new book, Mister Pip---THANKS LUCINDA--take a sleeping pill at 3pm, pet the dog, and possibly go insane and start talking to the killer cochroaches that sleep near my head.
Oh yeah, i have been wearing the same outfit, day and night for 5 days straight. ASk julie howell, she saw my on camera, she knows how bad its gotten........bwahahahah!! its pajama day, EVERYDAY!
ok, time to go..........this place really isn't bad. bob is insane though. oh we killed a mouse the other day and fed it to the chickens.
Did i mention I have to move to a city when I get back? just to feel like i am a real person, just even for a little bit.........Oh man I can't wait to see my closet full of all my beautiful shoes---AHH and my perfumes!! YUM!